Houzz Visits Our Rockville Showroom
We were thrilled to welcome Annie Nozawa and Doug Durando into our Rockville Showroom for our first Open Houzz event! Annie kicked off the night with an introduction to the Houzz platform, followed by a panel discussion featuring local design experts Ernesto Santalla of Studio Santalla, Nicole Lanteri of On My Agenda, and Daniel Steinkoler of Superior Home Services. Following the panel discussion, we broke for networking and refreshments.
The night wound down with a presentation by Annie geared towards how professionals benefit from using the Houzz platform. Throughout the night, attendees completed drawing cards to win a gorgeous Theodore Alexander box. At the end of the night, a name was drawn and the lucky winner was announced: Arlene from Gaithersburg, Maryland.
We thank Annie, Doug, Ernesto, Nicole, Daniel, Tim Baldwin from Theodore Alexander, the staff at Rockville Sheffield Furniture and all of our lovely attendees for making the night a great success!
All the best,
Sheffield Furniture & Interiors
Annie Nozawa starts of the night with an intro to Houzz
Annie Nozawa and the panel of experts.
Panelists: Ernesto Santalla, Nicole Lanteri, and Daniel Steinkoler
Panelists answer audience questions.
Rockville Showroom Manager Debbie Harp,
Rockville Designer Tracy El Sawi, Rockville Administrative Assistant Ashley Stewart
Syntha Harris-Wendel, Rockville Saleperson Mike Kramer, Jamie Punzi
Kelly Ryan, Mary Jo Moon, Rockville Window Treatment Specialist Nancy Tucker
Ernesto Santalla, center, with a group of attendees
Rockville designers Gretchen Morris and Keith Woodside
Rockville salesperson Charles Sanders, Kim Winston, Jule McFarlan, Rockville Designer Randy Shannon
Allie Mann, Rockville Designer Rita Beck, Erin Hoopes
Sheffield Furniture owners Liz and Jim Shrawder
Nicole Lanteri talks with attendees Keith and Chico
Houzz’ Doug and Annie with Sheffield owner Liz Shrawder
Rockville designer Randy Shannon and Rockville Showroom manager Debbie Harp
Amazing turn out!
Annie explains the benefits of Houzz to our professionals
Winner of the Theodore Alexander box, Arlene from Gaitherburg, MD
Arlene with Tim Baldwin from Theodore Alexander
Jim Curran from Hickory Chair, Dulles Manager Mark Sanford, Tim Baldwin from Theodore Alexander, Jerry Gale from Hickory Chair
Dulles Designer Elena Feder, Rockville Designer Randy Shannon, Dulles Designer Terri Fawley
Rockville and Dulles Sheffield Furniture Staff